A Digital Experience Design presented by the General Secretariat of the National Risk Council for the 2023 Risk, Emergency and Business Continuity Management Conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Product Designer
September 2023 - December 2023

The Problem

The Saudi Excellence Project must serve as a pivotal conference centrepiece in educating global dignitaries on the importance of Resilience Planning.

My Responsibilities

Product Thinking, Experience Design, Exhibit Design, Information Architecture, Project Management, Supervision, Visual Design, Testing, Client Management, Stakeholder Presentations, Hiring, Content Specialization

Project Goals

Our objective was to illuminate the six phases of the Resilience Cycle, demonstrating their role in enhancing Saudi Arabias National Resilience, with flooding as a primary risk example.

Our Solution

We designed an interactive exhibit featuring six stations, each corresponding to a phase of the Resilience Cycle, incorporating computer vision, touch interactivity, and game building elements.


Our culmination received acclaim from esteemed figures, including His Excellency, Dr. Alahmadi Khaled, subject matter expert Bruce Mann, and six national leaders overseeing specific phases of Saudi Arabias resilience strategy.

Remote Design and Preparation
Discovery,  User Identification, Content Auditing, Spatial Design, Exhibit Mapping

Exhibit Design Research

  • Open endedness technological novelty are associated with longer average holding times.

  • Creating a shared experience between exhibit visitors as well as engaging multiple senses at once sight, hearing, touch increases engagement.

  • Exhibits should start with a Big Idea, deliver Key Messages, and prompt the visitor to ask Critical Questions.

Client Requests

To accommodate our clients specifications, our content and exhibit design had certain constraints. These limitations encompassed the exclusion of negative imagery or simulations, the use of solely animated and unique content, no depiction of humans, avoidance of specifying any geographic region, and adhering to a room dimension of 10x20m. Additionally, we were mindful of operating within the allocated budget.

Content Audit

This content heavy project required that we read over 100 pedagogical documents to properly understand the Resilience Cycle.
Our team meticulously examined documents written by the Saudi Arabian National Risk Council, diving into the complexities of  Resilience Planning. Our objective was to distill a captivating narrative from this wealth of information, ensuring an engaging experience for all users.

Mapping the Exhibit

We organized the exhibit into six sections corresponding to the six phases of the Resilience Cycle. Each section includes an introductory segment, an interactive activity, and a concluding video that encapsulates essential information for those wishing to delve further. Furthermore, we meticulously crafted and designed the exterior, entrance, and exit of the exhibit.

Building, Development, Implementation, User and Technology Testing, Presentations


Upon our arrival in Riyadh, we seized the opportunity to tour the manufacturing facility where our exhibit was taking shape. The experience of witnessing intricate tasks such as precision steel cutting, wall installation, and laser cutting of wooden maps left a lasting impression. Interacting with the highly skilled team not only showcased their expertise but also brought to life the tangible realization of our conceptual ideas.

Development and Implementation

We had a 2 hour window to conduct user testing for the entire exhibit. Collaborating with a team of five developers, we provided feedback on functionality, identified bugs, and celebrated successes. Despite language barriers, we quickly formed strong bonds, finding joy in fixing little problems along the way.

On-Site Video Walkthrough, Conference Information, Testimonials

Exhibit Walkthrough

Our efforts yielded positive feedback from both the client and museum attendees. Remarkably, the exhibit surpassed expectations, maintaining user interest for a commendable thirty minutes, underscoring its engaging quality. We developed a curriculum that educated visitors on the pivotal importance of resilience planning. This favourable response highlights the significant impact of our collaborative efforts in delivering an enriching and informative experience.

Phase 1
Anticipation and Assessment
In the Anticipation and Assessment phase, our interactive map model delves into regional risks, assessing probabilities and potential impacts. Through Horizon Scanning, users identify early indicators, evaluating future opportunities and challenges. Utilizing both quantitative and qualitative approaches in Risk Assessment, users analyze hazardous events, considering exposure, vulnerabilities, and resilience, summarized in a comprehensive Risk Matrix.
Phase 2
In the Prevention phase, users engage with three core preventive measures: Avoidance, involving the cessation of high-risk activities through regulatory adherence; Protection, employing physical barriers like flood defenses to minimize potential damage; and Mitigation, implementing strategies such as insurance and backup systems to systematically reduce risks and enhance overall resilience. Users can decide whether to focus on flooding, drought or earthquakes.
Phase 3
During the preparedness stage for earthquakes or floods, users identify vulnerabilities in early warning systems, drills, and emergency plans. They focus on optimizing and addressing weaknesses in each category to ensure maximum functionality and readiness for the potential event. This targeted approach enhances resilience and preparedness for effective response and recovery.
Phase 4
This segment underscores the significance of Response, where we collaboratively work in three roles: Communications, Search and Rescue, and Shelter/Evacuation. With intensive content familiarity and collaboration with our expert, Bruce, the interaction unfolds through 25 timed scenarios. Users are presented with three options: Take Action (if it aligns with their role), Reassign (if suitable for teammates' roles), and Dismiss (if not a priority during an emergency). This interactive approach ensures a dynamic and immersive learning experience.
Phase 5
This interaction teaches users about the significance of recovery planning. Exploring three distinct recovery phases—Restoration of essential services, Rehabilitation of community well-being, and Reconstruction of infrastructure—users will understand the meticulous measures taken during adverse events. The experience emphasizes 'Building Back Better' and integrating risk reduction into efforts to repair and restore vital aspects of infrastructure and societal activities.
Phase 6
Business Continuity
This interaction teaches users about the vital importance of business continuity. Ensuring essential services persist during emergencies is crucial for the well-being of both people and the economy. Users will explore strategies such as diversifying sources, maintaining strategic stockpiles, and conducting Business Impact Analysis to mitigate risks and prevent disruptions in critical supply chains.



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